Featured Highly Reputable & Profitable Tooling Business for 50+ years VIC | Industrial & Manufacturing | $1,349,999.00 Featured Cafe Restaurant near South Melbourne Market, High Foot Traffic VIC | Food and Hospitality | $85,000.00 Featured Highly Profitable Italian Educational Business for Sale VIC | Leisure and Entertainment | $695,000.00 Featured Thriving Seafood Retailer with Excellent Reputation VIC | Food and Hospitality | $2,100,000.00 Featured Cabinet Manufacturing Company, Great Reputation & Strong Clientele (B.to.B) VIC | Industrial & Manufacturing | $880,000 + SAV Featured *SOLD* Trailer Manufacturing Business, South Eastern Suburbs, VIC, Consistent Growth VIC | Industrial & Manufacturing | $189,000.00 Featured *SOLD* Leading Metal Fabrications Business VIC | Industrial & Manufacturing | $1,250,000.00 Featured *UNDER OFFER* Supermarket in South East, Taking $100,000 p/w, with $550k Asset Value VIC | Retail, Food and Hospitality | $920,000.00